[embed]https://vimeo.com/426140738/4095630c43[/embed] Greg Layton is the author of ‘Chief Maker’ - a book that lays out the 5 step blueprint to rising above the pack.  This week Greg is my guest as he explains the steps and toy he begins having a game plan to getting noticed. ...

Tech Talk is the new initiative from Switch Media Group to provide you with the latest property inspired technology from around the world. We kick off the series with Piper Moretti of Crypto Realty Group. Piper explains Crypto and why Bitcoin will impact real estate. *** About Piper. Piper Moretti is the CEO of The Crypto...

  The Principals who get the best price for their sales businesses identify that the true value lies in the sustainability of the income stream after they depart. John Rigby details the major factors that influence this income sustainability and Todd Pearce outlines his business growth strategies...

  The reason anyone goes into any business is to make a PROFIT. Real estate principals are no different. But its intriguing how so many in the industry are focused on INCOME ahead of PROFIT. John Rigby looks at why PROFIT is a dirty word. Todd Pearce has...

  Its natural to assume that all management teams are aligned and working to achieve common goals, there are often differences in the way different members communicate the goals and objectives of the group. The operating rhythm process drills down on not only what needs to happen,...